Away Tickets - Bury & Carlisle

Tickets are available from the Newport County AFC ticket office from 9am on Tuesday 11th November for our upcoming away fixtures at Bury & Carlisle. 

The exiles will visit Bury's Gigg Lane on Saturday 22nd November 2014 before travelling to Cumbria the following weekend as we visit Carlisle United's Brunton Park. 

Bury tickets are priced as follows:

Adults            £15.00 
Over 65         £10.00
Under 23        £10.00
Under 11        £5.00 
Student          £10.00 (must show valid student card)
Unemployed   £10.00 (must show JSA book/UB40)
Disabled         £10.00 (must be on middle/higher rate DLA)  
Carer             FOC
Family Ticket  £10.00 (1 adult & 1 u16)

This is not an all ticket game. Tickets will be available on the day.


Adults                  £19.00
Over 65               £16.00
18-22                  £13.00
11-17                  £10.00
Under 10                £7
Under 6                 FOC
1 Adult & 1 u17     £27.00
1 Adult & 2 u17     £35.00
1 Senior & 1 u17   £24.00
W/C (uncovered)   £4.00
Carer                    FOC 

This is not an all ticket game. Tickets will be available on the day however prices will increase by £3.00 with the exception of under 11 and under 7 rates.

*Please note under 10 and under 6 tickets must be accompanied by an adult.