DACK: No Appeal For Yakubu Red

County manager Jimmy Dack explains the decision not to appeal the red card given to Ismail Yakubu on Monday.

Speaking after the game at Exeter, Dack said that his initial reaction was that it was probably a penalty - but not a red card - and after viewing the video footage, his thoughts remain the same. "Looking at it again, I think the player has looked for the penalty, he's got beyond Yaks and then he's stopped and come across him, but I'd say yes it was a penalty, but was it a sending off, no it wasn't."

However, Dack has made the decision not to appeal, "there's no point appealing, we've appealed sendings off before and it's gets you nowhere, you've got to lick your wounds, dust yourself down and go again."

As reported yesterday, the FA have confirmed that Yakubu will serve a one-match suspension this Saturday.