FIXTURES: Don't Book Your Days Off Yet!

A reminder that at this early stage, all fixtures are subject to change

So, the long awaited fixtures are out, and we can now all start planning our lives between August and May…

But before you book those all important match days off work, or splash out on a romantic break away with your significant other to Hartlepool(!) on a Tuesday night… please note that all fixtures are subject to change at this early stage.

As with previous seasons, County officials will work with staff here at Rodney Parade, local authorities and of course opposition clubs to iron out any potential issues with the fixtures.

Situations that need to be taken into account are, amongst others, matches involving our hosts here at Rodney Parade and for this year the Rugby World Cup.

Other clubs will also potentially have issues that need resolving, so there is period of time in which any of the listed fixtures may change.

We’ll bring you details on any fixture changes as soon as we can.