On going Technical problems

On going Technical problems

Some County fans may have been aware of a number of technical difficulties on Tuesday evening ahead of our home game with Mansfield Town FC, the source of the problem relates to both BT and Virgin Media lines coming into Rodney Parade failing twice in the hour leading up to kick off.

This delay meant large queues at the Ticket Office and Turnstiles to enter the ground, firstly we would like to thank all those caught up in the problems for remaining calm and patient while on site engineers dealt with the issue, which was unfortunately out of our control and still not completely resolved.

The issue is still ongoing meaning the Newport County AFC Offices at Rodney Parade phone lines are down at present, the Newport County AFC Club Shop is fully operational however and the Ticket Office is available for Away Tickets only at present.

Tickets for home games can still be purchased on the internet via www.newportcountytickets.co.uk, as a club we would like to remind fans that all tickets can be purchased prior to match days to avoid any potential disruption in the lead up to the game.

We will update fans once the phone lines are fully operational again and thank all supporters for their patience during this time.