ACADEMY: Level 4 Status Success

The Newport County AFC Academy look set to achieve Level 4 status

A recent audit of the Newport County AFC academy has led to a recommendation that the Football League grant them Level 4 academy status.

"It's a phenomenal achievement for a relatively new Football League club to be awarded Level 4 status so swiftly, we're all extremely pleased" raved a delighted Kevin Waterhouse who is Academy Manager at Newport County AFC.

"There has been a lot of hard work and investment put into achieving this level, and that hard work will continue as we look to push on and progress over the next three years." 

"We are already looking ahead and planning for Category 3 status, which will provide us with funding for 12 to 16 year olds with a goal to have that in place within two years"

Waterhouse went on to explain what a Level 4 status means to a club like Newport. "Level 4 status means that the Football League will help finance the U18 academy and scholars for a further three seasons, and will enable us to continue to offer high quality coaching and education to our scholars and enable us to bring more young talent through to the first team squad, like Regan Poole, Tom Owen-Evans and Kieran Parselle this season".

"The top rating is Level 1, which many Premier League clubs enjoy, but comes with a hefty price tag that reaches into the millions. It is a great testament to the effort of all the staff and players within the Academy set up here at County that we have achieved Level 4 status so quickly, but the work continues"

County Director Howard Greenhaf added his praise "we're all delighted that the academy has achieved Level 4 status, a lot of time and hard work has been put in so we're very pleased that effort has paid off. I'd like to say a big well done to all those involved."

"The academy is key to our future success, and it's vitally important that we give our young players the best possible start in the game - Level 4 status will help us do that."