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DSA| Andrea Mulcahy presents Padraig Amond with the DSOctober Player of the Month

14 November 2017

Club News

DSA| Andrea Mulcahy presents Padraig Amond with the DSOctober Player of the Month

14 November 2017

This month’s DSA Player of the Month award goes to Padraig Amond who won 26% of the vote, ahead of Joe Day and Shaun McCoulsky with 17% each.

Padraig was presented with his trophy by DSA Member Andrea Mulcahy who had a difficult time picking between Podge (Amond) and Shawn (McCoulsky) due to their goal scoring this month but Podge's all-round team play (especially his ability to cover positions when needed) won Amond her vote. 

Andrea has been supporting County for 5 years and attends games with her father, husband and son.  Although she does not have a disability or illness herself, Andrea believes in supporting and raising awareness for issues she and her family view as important to their principles.  She wishes everyone to enjoy time with their family, however they may be done.  Andrea and her family do this at games.

Andrea’s mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last August. Within weeks she had a mastectomy and intensive chemo and radio therapy and will now be on tablets for the rest of her life for hormones.

 “Being able to take my dad to the County matches gave us both a break from her [Mum’s] care and enabled us to share a common interest”.

This highlights how important having “time out” is for informal carers as they are often in a position near breaking point before they qualify for any support from the Local Authority.  This is an area the DSA feels is important and are looking to work with Newport City Council and the Club to help make provisions for family to de-stress and recharge.  This is critical to keeping family at home and not depending on the already overworked staff in hospitals.

Andrea works at Lloyds Bank at Tredegar Park and they have been supporting Children in Need for the last 5 years. “I have been involved for four of those years only missing last year supporting my mum. We raise funds for CIN the week leading up to the main event. On the evening itself we have a team if about 100 people who give up their time (bank employees) to take pledges from the general public. We also have a great party atmosphere with children's entertainment and so it's a real family thing.”  For the last three years, Polly from Capital Radio’s Breakfast Show has been compering the evening giving updates of pledges and prizes. Lloyds also organise for Pudsey to visit the royal Gwent and various schools (mainstream and Special Needs) with free toys for the children.  This year the Club have donated a signed ball for an auction being held for the evening. 

Click the link for information on support for Breast Cancer or BBC's Children In Need

To vote for the DSA Player of the Month and a chance to win presenting the trophy sign up for free at

Learn more about the DSA by clicking here or keep up with all
their good work by following them on Twitter.

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